v0.6.3 Added calculate_accuracy to calculate the accuracy of prediction; The program network_stat added statistics: degree centrality and network heterogeneity; Performance of program annotate was improved; Fix some minor bugs. v0.6.2 Added network_stat to calculate the statistics of network. v0.6.1 Added network_extract to extract subnetwork based on a gene list; Added network_shuffle to random shuffle network with degree preserving; Fix some bugs. v0.6.0 Added two programs csv_to_tsv and tsv_to_csv for converting tsv and csv files to each other; The program data_norm added an normalization method based housekeeping genes; The program network_build added a new parameter -a/--all for output all edges without any cutoff; Fix some bugs. v0.5.2 Support download via bioconda; Use ghc::filesystem instead of std::filesystem for the cross-platform compatibility. v0.5.1 Use robin_hood::unordered_map instead of std::unordered_map for performance improvement; The program rwr added support for the weights and direction of the network; The program data_norm added support for the trimmed mean of M-values (TMM) algorithm; The program data_filter added support for filter based on a percentage (i.e. keep 75% of total genes). v0.5.0 The first public version.